Charmander Music Video
This is an experimental project I worked on at Hogarth, where we attempted to use UE5 to create an interactive music video for the song 'Charmander' by the artist Amine. In this music video, viewers could control the content of the video through hardware buttons.
Coca-Cola &
Tomorrow land
This is a collaborative game
project between Coca-Cola
and Tomorrowland, with Jiazeli
primarily responsible for the
visual design and animation
production within the game.
This is a project Jiazeli created
for Spanish singer Saiko's album.
Jiazeli was responsible for
producing the album's music
videos, covering everything from
visual concept design to 3D
content creation and virtual
filming, as well as the dynamic
cover for Spotify. The album is now
available on multiple platforms,
including Spotify and YouTube.
Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun
This is a scene concept art I designed for a Warhammer 40K first-person shooter game.